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Whisps are currently most plentiful on the planet Kenagna. A planet that is 97% water, with all land being islands with an average radius of 6-7 miles. The main hallmark of the planet are gigantic organisms known as Var-Fae that never stop growing. The longest one currently in existence is 43 Miles long, with 73% of length being tail. The creation of Var-Fae is attributed to 2-Khara.

Whisps are extremely dependent on the Var-fae for survival. Most of the world’s ecosystem is in fact based on them. Be it their excrement, or the algae that tend to grow upon their hide.

Whisps are solitary, and are omnivores. Very clumsy but efficient flyers, they use their claws to grab onto the undersides of Var-fae and scrape off algae, small tubers and crustaceans with their beaks when their hosts lift themselves sufficiently out of the water. Their external and internal air sacks make up more than 60% of their overall volume and can support up to twenty percent of their mass. The gas contained in the air sacks is highly flammable. The webbing and sack leather is tough and effective at repelling attacks from smaller predators, but is susceptible to sunburn. Whisps primarily follow Var-fae that list towards the colder regions, and are nocturnal. They have bioluminescent patches along their bellies, arms/legs, and jaws that they use to communicate with one another. Their intelligence is comparable to that of the average dog.

Several whisp sub-types have been domesticated by humans, and have been bred to be more intelligent, to carry some weight and/or passengers, or to home in on/react a certain way to light signals from afar.


Whisps are biologically androgynous. In the cold seasons, two individuals may meet for a short while, floating about together, grazing side by side. Coupling takes place usually near dawn, before they leave one another to roost for the day, and meet up again the next night. This courtship behavior may last from two to seven days. After that, the pair usually never encounter one another again. The young are laid deep inside hollows on the Var-fae by both parents, and defended until the day before their hatching. The hatchlings are born capable of flight, and mature in approximately four years.

Whisps in themselves developed naturally off more primitive creatures that floated with the winds and didn’t deliberately move in any way. The creation of those ancestral creatures is attributed to 0-Khara. 

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Tytoquetra's avatar
;o; it's so adorable